> Ladies / Gents tailor can set the field for size as per their convenience
> Print out the customer's bill
The image of the cloth is sanded with the pdf strings of the customer's bill
> Store the design image with the size of the customer's cloth
> Customer's measurement and bill's receipt will be stored from the bill number and date. The same customer may copy the bill of measurement of the bill for the new order.
> All shop orders are on pending or complete order page
> Cash from work given to the artisan. Withdrawal. Outstanding. New statement
> Jeans can be tailor-made for shirts, suit, safari, coti, design shirts, pants, jeans, Nero pants, as well as different mementos for each product.
> Ladies tailors can have different measurements for each product
> Can create 5 account in this app
> Statement of Stock Maintenance, Profit, Loss, Account in each account from one day to Monthly / Yearly